Course Catalogue
Specialist Training Programmes
Advantages of TLA Diploma Programmes
To create a training roadmap to facilitate pursuit for higher learning
Advanced Diploma in Digital Supply Chain...Enhanced Funding up to 70% of Course Fees & SFC eligible
Diploma in Integrated Logistics Management (Synchronous E-learning)...Enhanced Funding up to 70% of Course Fees (SFC eligible)
Diploma in International Freight Management (Synchronous E-learning)...Enhanced Funding up to 70% of Course Fees (SFC eligible)
Continuous Learning Programmes
Training Schedule
To impart knowledge and practical skills through short courses on Safety Security & Health, IT Applications in Logistics, Insurance & Liabilities and Logistics Business Processes
Airfreight 101
Appreciation Course on Handling of Lithium Batteries by Air
Basic Business Analytics for Logistics
Food Cold Chain Logistics Management
ICC Incoterms 2020
Logistics Automation 1 – Pallet Handling Technologies
Logistics Automation 2 – Light Goods Handling Technologies
International Trade & Effective Handling / Processing of Letter of Credit
Perform Warehouse Costing (New!)
Seafreight 101
Supply Chain Solutioning
Lean Six-Sigma in Logistics I
Warehouse Layout Design
Shipping Documentation – Dos and Don'ts
Trade Facilitation for Efficient Compliance and Enhanced Competitiveness
Certificate Programmes
To equip with in-depth learning on logistical knowledge.
Certificate in Applying IMDG Code - MCF Grant Eligible
Certificate in Logistics Operations (Bridging Course for TLA Diplomas)
Specialist Certificate Programmes
To provide comprehensive learning in specific logistical roles.
Specialist Certificate in Cold Chain Management (Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices)
Specialist Certificate in Effective Purchasing Management
Workforce Skills Qualifications (AOP)
AOP is for students currently pursuing TLA Diploma in ILM or IFM.
Courses will be updated shortly.
Customized Training Programmes
Tailor-fit for your upskill needs
The Logistics Academy works with clients to customise programmes according to an individual organization's demands and circumstances – from specific case studies to full bespoke development. We can create your customized programme to the best-suited in its class, without bursting your pockets in the process.
Alternatively, we can conduct the courses under the Continuous Training Programmes at your office premise. The following training programmes are readily available for your in-house training. Contact us at
Cyber Security for Logistics
How to Leverage MS-Excel in Logistics
Integrating The Silos In Logistics : Road Mapping the Integration (New !)
Lean Six-Sigma in Logistics II
Lean Six-Sigma in Logistics III
Procurement and Supply Management
SCM Future Trend - Big Data and IoT Applications
Specialist Certificate in Inventory Control & Materials Management
Tactical Logistics Solutions with Excel and VBA Program
Transportation Insurance Workshop
Workshop on Project Forwarding
Featured Courses
Specialist Training Programmes
Advantages of TLA Diploma Programmes
To create a training roadmap to facilitate pursuit for higher learning
Advanced Diploma in Digital Supply Chain...Enhanced Funding up to 70% of Course Fees & SFC eligible
Diploma in Integrated Logistics Management (Synchronous E-learning)...Enhanced Funding up to 70% of Course Fees (SFC eligible)
Diploma in International Freight Management (Synchronous E-learning)...Enhanced Funding up to 70% of Course Fees (SFC eligible)
Continuous Learning Programmes
Training Schedule
To impart knowledge and practical skills through short courses on Safety Security & Health, IT Applications in Logistics, Insurance & Liabilities and Logistics Business Processes
Airfreight 101
Appreciation Course on Handling of Lithium Batteries by Air
Basic Business Analytics for Logistics
Food Cold Chain Logistics Management
ICC Incoterms 2020
Logistics Automation 1 – Pallet Handling Technologies
Logistics Automation 2 – Light Goods Handling Technologies
International Trade & Effective Handling / Processing of Letter of Credit
Perform Warehouse Costing (New!)
Seafreight 101
Supply Chain Solutioning
Lean Six-Sigma in Logistics I
Warehouse Layout Design
Shipping Documentation – Dos and Don'ts
Trade Facilitation for Efficient Compliance and Enhanced Competitiveness
Certificate Programmes
To equip with in-depth learning on logistical knowledge.
Certificate in Applying IMDG Code - MCF Grant Eligible
Certificate in Logistics Operations (Bridging Course for TLA Diplomas)
Specialist Certificate Programmes
To provide comprehensive learning in specific logistical roles.
Specialist Certificate in Cold Chain Management (Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices)
Specialist Certificate in Effective Purchasing Management
Workforce Skills Qualifications (AOP)
AOP is for students currently pursuing TLA Diploma in ILM or IFM.
Courses will be updated shortly.
Customized Training Programmes
Tailor-fit for your upskill needs
The Logistics Academy works with clients to customise programmes according to an individual organization's demands and circumstances – from specific case studies to full bespoke development. We can create your customized programme to the best-suited in its class, without bursting your pockets in the process.
Alternatively, we can conduct the courses under the Continuous Training Programmes at your office premise. The following training programmes are readily available for your in-house training. Contact us at