ICC Incoterms 2020

Next Intake Commencement Date:

24 Feb 2025, Monday

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ICC Incoterms 2020
Read what our participants have learnt from this course and the feedback from their supervisors …


Those who wish to really know more about Incoterms 2010 must definitely come for this course! A lot of valuable insights and learning!

Thomas is very experienced in his profession and teaching! I learnt something today and I hope to bring them to my workplace and share my knowledge with my colleagues.

Han Heng Guan, Assistant Business Support Manager, A. S. Pte Ltd


Gained more insightful understanding on Incoterms and more real-life examples that can facilitate the application of incoterms.

Be able to understand and assess the quoted Incoterms in sales contract and it’s suitability.

The programme clearly provides a good link between theory and application, via a highly inclusive and interactive approach which gives a good understanding on the content.

Thomas has an excellent and deep knowledge on his content, which clearly exhibits his years of experiences.

Koh Chia Hsuan, Documentation Assistant, S. I. (O) Pte Ltd



ICC has launched Incoterms® 2020, the newest edition of the renowned trade terms for the delivery of goods, providing certainty and clarity to business and traders everywhere.

The Incoterms® rules were first introduced by ICC in 1936 to establish commonly accepted definitions and rules related to the delivery of goods between trading partners worldwide. Since then, ICC has periodically revised the Incoterms® rules to reflect changes in the international trade system.


These trade terms provide a uniform set of rules to assist buyers and sellers in stating each party’s obligations under an international contract. The rules have been developed and maintained by experts and practitioners brought together by ICC and have become the standard in international business rules setting. They help traders avoid costly misunderstandings by clarifying the tasks, costs and risks involved in the delivery of goods from sellers to buyers. Incoterms® rules are recognized by UNCITRAL as the global standard for the interpretation of the most common terms in foreign trade.

The Incoterms rules are an internationally recognized standard and are used worldwide in international and domestic contracts for the sale of goods. First published in 1936, Incoterms rules provide internationally accepted definitions and rules of interpretation for most common commercial terms. They streamline and remove some of the ambiguity that can occur in a contract especially when parties speak different languages. They provide a basis for dispute resolution. Attend the Seminar on ICC Incoterms®  rules to understand the major revisions of these terms and how you can use them effectively in doing business.

®”Incoterms” is a trademark of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Designed For

Exporters, Importers, Sales and Marketing Managers, Purchasing Managers, Forwarders, Logistics Service Providers, Customs Brokers, Carriers, Insurers, Trade Consultants

  • New major revisions to Incoterms
  • Review of the different groups of terms
  • Transfer of Risk from the Seller to the Buyer
  • Responsibility for Insurance
  • Costs Associated with Each Term
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each term
  • Know the proper use of the Incoterms  terms
  • Examine the costs, responsibilities & rights associated for buyers & sellers
  • Learn the applicable Incoterms under different transport modes
  • Understand the critical points in Incoterms


SLA Member Non-Member Self-Sponsored
Course Fee $398 $498 $498
GST $35.82 $44.82 $44.82
Application Fee
(incl. GST)
$32.70 $32.70 $32.70
Total Fee
(payable to TLA)
$466.52 $575.52 $575.52

NSmen and employees of  NS Mark (Gold) accredited companies can enjoy exclusive discounted course fee at member’s rate.



Payment will only be required after the course is confirmed.
(The status of the course would usually be advised one (1) month before the course start date.)

Payment mode (retail payments facilities are not available) :
Overseas – Telegraphic transfer
Local – Bank transfer or Corporate PayNow


1 day : 9 am to 6 pm (8 training hours)


Dr Thomas Sim, BSc.(Aeronautical), MSc.(LSCM), MTD.(Edu), DA.(Edu) is the Group Chief Executive Officer of ‘The Topocean Group’ in Singapore.  He joined the Singapore Logistics Association (SLA) since 2000 and served as the elected as the 1st Deputy Chairman of the SLA from 2008-2014. In addition, he also chairs the SLA Human Capital Development Committee since 2004 and the Academic Director of The Logistics Academy (TLA) since 2010.


A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded upon successful completion with 75% attendance.

Next Intake Commencement Date:

24 Feb 2025, Monday

Select a registration method:

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