SLA Publications

The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide : Land Transport (Out of Stock)
Land transport can be visualized as the veins of a supply chain, moving materials, products and cargo from one point to another inland. The key challenge for the land transport practitioner is the management of materials, products or cargo in such a way that they remain exactly the same before and after transportation from the origin to the destination.

The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide : Process-Driven Warehouse Operations
Written by Mr Teo Kee Boon – 1st edition
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the various processes of a typical warehouse operation. It provides the”how to” for someone interested in reviewing his own warehouse operations and highlights the key controls that must be considered and put in place for each process in the operation. It provides insights for beginners in warehousing and is a good quick read for someone wanting to re-structure their operations and conduct training for its own staff.

The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide : Safety & Security
Written by Captain Andre Khir – 2nd edition
This book provides extensive insights into the subject of safety and security, and is a good quick read for anyone trying to come to grips with one of the greatest challenges of our times. The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide : Safety & Security leaves no stones unturned on the issue of supply chain security. The tips are very practical and the “must-get-it-rights” are clearly signposted. It includes a discussion on the nature of terrorism, counterterrorism and weapons of mass destruction.

The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide: Warehouse Practices
Written by Bill Chua and Teo Kee Boon – 3rd edition
Warehouses may be as old as trading outposts in the olden days, but warehousing has since evloved into a highly sophisticated operation that features prominently in the supply chain strategy. Here at last is a timely and comprehensive guide for practitioners to the best practices in warehousing. It provides insights for begineers in warehousing and is a good quick read for someone wanting to become familiar with the dynamics of the sector.

The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide: Multimodal Transport
Written by Ms Cheong Yun Wan
In consultation with Stanley Lim and Thomas Sim – 3rd edition
Logistics providers often use ships, trucks and aircraft in different combinations when a destination cannot be reached by a single mode of transport alone. Now, here is a complete reference to multimodal transport: regulations and conventions, liability and insurance issues, special project transport operations and the alternatives when plans fail due to unforeseen circumstances.

The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide: Seafreight Forwarding (out of stock)
Written by Rachel Henwood
In consultation with Tan Tee Hwa – 4th edition
Shipping is the most popular method of transporting goods today, with around 90% of all freight transported acoss the oceans and through man-made waterways. Now you can find out everything about seafreight forwarding, in this comprehensive volume that explains the workings of the industry, including up-to-date information on liability, cargo handling, tariffs and hardware such as the different types of vessels and containers.

The Practitioner’s Definitive Guide: Airfreight Forwarding (out of stock)
Written by Ho Chee Mun – 4th edition
There is no text that encompasses all air cargo related issues – until now. This bookwritten specifically on air cargo provides a comprehensive framework of the conceptsand applications involved in airfreight, including the latest information on pricing,regulations, handling procedures and modern equipment such as aircraft, containersand materials handling equipment.