Jeffrey Tan

Jeffrey Tan heads Strategic Business Development & Product Strategy at Y3 Technologies, a Singapore home-grown end-to-end supply chain software solutions provider with over 3 decades specializing in Supply Chain Management, e-Commerce, CRM & Loyalty, Data Analytics & IT Infrastructure. At the same time, Jeffrey is also the Vice Chairman of the Singapore Computer Society Supply Chain Management Special Interest Group & Deputy Chairman of the Singapore Manufacturing Federation Digital Commerce Interest Group.

He brings over 18 years’ experience in applying technology to drive business innovation & operational excellence in smart cities, ports, customs, trade, supply chain, logistics, e-commerce and retail. Prior to Y3, Jeffrey held regional & global roles in Global eTrade Services, CrimsonLogic, Ascendas-Singbridge, IDA & PSA Singapore. Jeffrey obtained his certification in Professional Project Management and Business Analysis from the Project Management Institute and International Institute of Business Analysis respectively. He holds both a Bachelor of Computing Degree from the National University of Singapore and a Diploma in Computer Studies from the Ngee Ann Polytechnic of Singapore.